Sauna temperature of 90 C°
When purchasing a sauna, the important question often follows, "How many degrees should a sauna be?" This depends entirely on your preference and how often you have been in a sauna. For example, one person likes to sit in a 60-degree sauna and another prefers to have the sauna at a temperature of 100°C. On average, the ideal sauna temperature is around 90 degrees Celsius. This is a temperature that is perfectly tolerable if the humidity is low. In a dry sauna, the humidity is around 15%.
The advantage of an outdoor sauna near your home is that you can easily experience the best temperature and humidity for you. Thus, the ideal sauna temperature is different for everyone.
Novice sauna visitor
When you first take a seat in a sauna, it is best to start with a sauna session at a temperature of lower degrees Celsius. We always recommend starting with a temperature of about 60 to 70 degrees Celsius. Slowly you can then move to a warmer sauna each time to discover what temperature you like best.
Sauna with high humidity
When you raise the humidity in a sauna by, for example, a drawdown with a percentage of 100%, it may be that the water feels equally hot on the skin. It is not that the temperature in the sauna goes up from a flush. It only feels warmer.
Electric or wood-fired heating?
With an outdoor sauna, you can of course choose to heat your sauna electrically or wood-fired as well. Using either way has its advantages and disadvantages. For example, with an electric heater you can easily control the sauna temperature through a thermostat attached to it. But, you also need to make sure there is power current in the garden for the heater to work optimally.
With a wood-fired stove, you get a wonderful smell in the sauna and it gives a cozy, warm feeling. One drawback is that you can't control the temperature as well here and have to go mostly by your gut. With both heaters it is possible to create the sauna temperature in your barrel sauna that you like best!
So, answer to the question: ''How hot should a sauna be?" That depends on your preferences, of course, but basically the ideal temperature is around 90 degrees Celsius!