
How does a sauna infusion work?

The sauna infusion originated in Finland and is called Löyly there, which literally means blast of steam. You may know a pouring in another way such as aufguss, swish, splatch or steam. This all happens in the sauna and is a wonderful experience during a sauna visit.

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During such a sauna session, scented water is applied to the stones of the stove which causes increased humidity in the sauna.

How does an infusion work?

In many large sauna complexes, the ascension ritual is part of the standard offer. With several people you can sign up for a flume, which often have their own theme. During a sauna infusion, water or ice is poured on the stones with a nice fragrance. One sauna master will make the humidity higher than another and then wave the steam over you.‍

Why a soaking?

When you take a seat in a "dry" sauna, you are heated by the sauna's stove and wood. You can think of this as constant heat. When you start humidifying the space in the sauna by throwing water on the stones, the temperature does not rise, but it does feel warmer. Every time water evaporates it feels like a warm blanket falling around you. You may even get goosebumps while being poured on.

A real experience

When you go to a recitation in a sauna complex, it is quite an experience. Often a whole show is created with music and different scents. So one sauna master makes a whole show of it where also the fragrance is a real sensation.

Upscaling in your own sauna?

In your own sauna, of course, you don't have anyone waving the steam at you with a cloth cloth. Nor is this necessary in a sauna at home. Because the sauna room is a lot smaller than those in a sauna complex, the steam quickly falls over you as a wonderfully warm blanket. Would you like to make your own sauna infusion even more intense? Then choose to add a delicious fragrance to the water. Like, for example, Eucalyptus, Pine Forest or Lavender.

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