In the absence of an express statement to the contrary, these general terms and conditions shall mean as follows:
1. Welvaere B.V.: The private company with limited liability Welvaere B.V. established in (3862 NE) Nijkerk at Amersfoortseweg 96, registered in the trade register under no.: 50285807, VAT no.: NL854318501B01, also including all its subsidiaries and seller.
2. Other party: Any party (natural or legal person) who enters into an agreement with Welvaere B.V. or to whom Welvaere B.V. has made an offer to which these general terms and conditions of sale and delivery (hereinafter: 'these terms and conditions') apply. This may be a business customer or a private customer.
3. Agreement: Any agreement, by whatever means, concluded between Welvaere B.V. and the other party, any amendment or addition thereto, as well as all (legal) acts in preparation for and in execution of that agreement. A down payment is considered as an agreement to the offer received by the customer.
4. Distance agreement: An agreement whereby, within the framework of a system organized by Welvaere B.V. for distance selling of goods and/or services, up to and including the conclusion of the agreement, exclusive use is made of one or more techniques for distance communication.
5. Right of withdrawal: The possibility for the other party, being the consumer, to waive the distance contract within the cooling-off period of 14 (fourteen) days. This right explicitly does not apply to other agreements or for other parties than consumers.
6. Assignment: Any assignment to perform services or deliver goods by Welvaere B.V. for the other party, which comes about between Welvaere B.V. and the other party on the basis of an agreement. Applicability of Articles 7:404, 7:407 paragraph 2 and 7:409 of the Civil Code, regardless of the manner in which it is given, is expressly excluded.
1. These terms and conditions apply to all legal relationships in which Welvaere B.V. acts as seller, supplier of goods or service provider. All provisions of these conditions apply between the parties, insofar as these conditions have not been expressly deviated from in writing by the parties. In the event of a rental agreement with Welvaere B.V., Annex I of these terms and conditions shall also apply. If an annex applies in view of the nature of the agreement, this content shall prevail.
2. The applicability of general terms and conditions used by the other party is hereby expressly rejected. Conditions or stipulations deviating from these terms and conditions are only applicable if and insofar as these deviating conditions or stipulations have been expressly accepted in writing by Welvaere B.V. and then only for that agreement for which they have been accepted.
3. These terms and conditions also apply to all agreements for the execution of which third parties are (or should be) involved. In addition, these conditions are also written for employees of Welvaere B.V.
4. If Welvaere B.V. tacitly allows deviation from these conditions, this does not affect its right to still demand direct and strict compliance with the conditions. The other party can never assert any right on the grounds that Welvaere B.V. applies these terms and conditions flexibly and/or does not always require strict compliance with the provisions of these terms and conditions.
5. If and to the extent that any of the provisions of these terms and conditions are wholly or partially void or nullified, the other provisions of these terms and conditions shall remain in full force and Welvaere B.V. shall instead adopt provisions to replace the void and/or nullified provisions, taking into account as far as possible the purpose and purport of the void or nullified provision. To the extent desired, the parties will consult on the exact wording of these new provisions.
6. Uncertainties about the content of the terms and conditions, or situations that are not regulated in these terms and conditions, are to be judged according to the spirit of these terms and conditions.
7. The other party with whom a contract was once concluded under these conditions is deemed to have tacitly agreed to the applicability of these conditions to subsequent agreements concluded with Welvaere B.V.
1. Any quotation, offer and/or other expression by or on behalf of Welvaere B.V., hereinafter referred to as: 'offer', is made entirely without obligation, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing. An offer expires if the item and/or service to which it relates is no longer available in the meantime. Obvious mistakes or obvious errors in an offer do not bind Welvaere B.V.
2. The description in an offer of Welvaere B.V. is sufficiently detailed to enable a proper assessment thereof by the other party. If Welvaere B.V. uses images, these are a truthful representation of the items and/or services offered. However, all images, specifications and/or data in an offer are an indication and cannot be a reason for compensation and/or dissolution of the agreement.
3. Welvaere B.V. cannot guarantee that the colors shown in images displayed by and/or on its behalf exactly match the true colors of the goods.
4. Every offer susceptible to a distance contract shall contain such information that it is clear to the other party what rights and obligations are attached to the acceptance of the offer. This concerns in particular the price including taxes, any shipping costs, the way in which the agreement will be concluded and which actions are necessary for this, whether or not the right of withdrawal is applicable, the method of payment, delivery and performance of the agreement and the applicable general terms and conditions.
5. An agreement is established after Welvaere B.V. has confirmed the assignment in writing within 8 (eight) days, or if Welvaere B.V. has commenced performance within 14 (fourteen) days after receipt of the assignment. The provision included in the previous sentence also applies to changes in assignments.
6. In the case of a distance contract with a consumer, the contract is concluded at the moment of acceptance by the other party of the offer and fulfilment of the conditions thereby stipulated. If the other party has accepted the offer electronically, Welvaere B.V. will immediately confirm the receipt of the acceptance of the offer electronically. As long as the receipt of this acceptance has not been confirmed by Welvaere B.V., the other party being a consumer may dissolve the agreement, expressly in writing.
7. If the other party accepts an offer, Welvaere B.V. retains the right to revoke the offer within 3(three) days of receiving the acceptance.
8. If the acceptance deviates from the offer, Welvaere B.V. is not bound by it. The agreement will then not be established in accordance with this deviating acceptance, unless Welvaere B.V. explicitly accepts it in writing.
9. A composite quotation does not oblige Welvaere B.V. to perform part of the assignment at a corresponding part of the quoted price. Previous quotations, offers, prices and/or rates do not automatically apply to new assignments and/or agreements.
10. Orders and/or agreements accepted by Welvaere B.V. are deemed to be determinative only by type and brand. If a packaging, design, model, type, etc. is changed, Welvaere B.V. is discharged by delivery of the changed packaging, design, model, type, etc. at the applicable standard price.
11. If the interest of the other party requires immediate full or partial delivery of services and/or goods by Welvaere B.V., or if the other party has expressly requested immediate delivery of services and/or goods, the agreement shall be deemed to have been concluded by Welvaere B.V. actually proceeding in full or in part to deliver services and/or goods to the other party.
12. Any offer or quotation signed by the other party or for which a down payment has been made is leading for the production and other (warranty) conditions. This means that production and all related conditions will be based on the approved offer or quotation for which a down payment has been made.
1. Unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing, delivery takes place 'ex works': if and as long as the goods to be delivered are located in a warehouse and/or storage place of Welvaere B.V., they are at the expense and risk of Welvaere B.V. As soon as the goods to be delivered have left the warehouse and/or storage place of Welvaere B.V., they are at the expense and risk of the other party and the goods are deemed to have been delivered.
2. The counterparty is obliged to take delivery of the purchased goods at the time they are delivered to it. If the other party refuses to take delivery or is negligent in providing information or instructions necessary for delivery, the goods will be stored at the risk and responsibility of the other party. The counterparty shall in that case owe all additional costs, including in any case storage and transport costs.
3. Welvaere B.V. has the right to have certain work performed by third parties if and insofar as proper execution of the order requires this. Welvaere B.V. is also entitled to deliver from the stock of third parties, provided that it has not been expressly agreed that delivery will be made from its own stock.
4. An agreed delivery time is not a deadline, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing. In the event of late delivery, the other party must therefore expressly declare Welvaere B.V. to be in default in writing and grant a reasonable period of time to still deliver, before there is a question of default on the part of Welvaere B.V. An agreed period starts to run at the moment that the other party has provided Welvaere B.V. with all the information requested by Welvaere B.V.
5. Furthermore, an agreed delivery time is always subject to the proviso of undisturbed working conditions and supply of materials, undisturbed transport and timely delivery by suppliers of Welvaere B.V., in such a way that Welvaere B.V. is able to meet the delivery time.
6. Welvaere B.V. is permitted to deliver sold goods in parts. This does not apply if a partial delivery has no independent value. If the goods are delivered in parts, Welvaere B.V. is authorized to invoice each part separately.
7. If the agreement is executed in phases, Welvaere B.V. may suspend the execution of those parts belonging to a subsequent phase until the other party has approved in writing the results of the preceding phase.
8. In the event that the date of actual delivery is postponed at the request and/or through the fault of the other party, the other party requests partial delivery and/or goods are not collected by the other party, the risk of the goods shall nevertheless pass to the other party from the moment that these goods are identified as the other party's goods in Welvaere B.V.'s administration and/or storage space. Welvaere B.V. is entitled to invoice the goods from this moment. Any costs for additional transport, storage, insurance and/or other additional costs shall be borne by the other party.
9. Welvaere B.V. will in the event of a remote agreement with the item or service to the other party the following information, in writing or in such a way that it can be stored by the other party in an accessible manner on a durable data carrier, the visiting address of Welvaere B.V. for complaints, the conditions for use of the right of withdrawal, information on guarantees and existing service after purchase.
1. The risk of transport or delivery of the goods by Welvaere B.V. lies with the party delivering the goods. (This may be the other party, or an external transport company such as Bos, de Haan or DHL) As soon as the goods to be delivered by have been delivered to the agreed location of the other party and the other party or its authorized representative has signed for receipt, the risk and responsibility shall pass to the other party.
2. The other party is obliged to fully indemnify Welvaere B.V. for all direct and indirect damage in connection with the transport caused to third parties, for which Welvaere B.V. is held liable.
3. If it has been expressly agreed in writing that delivery will be made via transport from Welvaere B.V. and at the risk of Welvaere B.V., then the goods will be at the expense and risk of Welvaere B.V. until delivery and signing for receipt by the other party. After signing for receipt by the other party, the risk passes in full to the other party.
4. Welvaere B.V. is free to choose the packaging, transporter and the route to be followed if it arranges the transport of the goods, whether or not on the instructions of the other party. If Welvaere B.V. takes out transport insurance, this shall not affect the obligation of the other party to take out additional insurance for the goods if required.
5. Shipment of the goods at the request of the other party shall always take place at the expense and risk of the other party.
6. Welvaere B.V. reserves the right to have certain work performed by third parties.
7. Welvaere B.V. is entitled to execute the agreement in phases and to invoice each executed part separately.
8. When the products and/or services are shipped or assembled by Welvaere B.V., the other party must be present at the delivery address on the agreed delivery day or leave clear instructions. If the carrier has to make a new delivery attempt, the additional costs will be charged to the other party. The other party is responsible for the accessibility of the location and obtaining necessary permits or exemptions.
9. The delivery times given by Welvaere B.V. are indicative and not binding. Although Welvaere B.V. makes every effort to meet the indicated delivery deadlines, these deadlines cannot be guaranteed.
10. Welvaere B.V. is not liable for delays in the delivery of products or services caused by circumstances beyond its control, such as traffic conditions, traffic jams, weather conditions, force majeure, strikes, transport disruptions, or other unforeseen events. If the other party suffers additional costs or damage as a result, Welvaere B.V. cannot be held liable for this.
1. Upon delivery by Welvaere B.V., the other party must ensure that sufficient persons are present to assist the driver in getting the hot tub to the correct location. Welvaere B.V. will only connect the hot tub once it has been placed in its final location.
2. If the delivery is made by an external carrier, the other party shall be informed in a timely manner by the transportation party. The other party is himself responsible for the installation of the hot tub. Welvaere B.V. offers support via instructional videos on YouTube and manuals on the helpdesk.
3. If the hot tub cannot be delivered due to the absence of sufficient help or because the location is not easily accessible, the additional costs for a new delivery appointment will be charged to the other party. These costs must be paid prior to the new delivery. The other party also has the option to leave the hot tub on a pallet and complete the installation himself, in consultation with the driver and/or planner.
Delivery and construction of sauna
1. The surface on which the sauna is placed must be flat and level, with a maximum difference of 20 millimeters in length, width or measured diagonally. If the surface does not meet these requirements, there are two options:
- The warranty expires and the sauna is still being built.
- The sauna cannot be built, and a new day must be scheduled for build-up, with build-up fees again charged. The new build date may be subject to availability, which may result in significant delays.
2. Around the outside dimensions of the sauna must be a space of 50 cm free. This space must be passable, flat and solid, and be at the same height or a maximum of 25 cm higher or lower than the surface on which the sauna is placed. If this is not met, the sauna cannot be built, and build-up costs must be paid again for a new attempt.
3. If an electrical connection is required, the agreed power supply must be present as stated in the quotation. If the electrics are not properly installed, the stove cannot be tested. In this case, the other party must sign for not being able to test and a charge will be made at the time of the first service request.
1. If the other party experiences a problem with a product purchased from Welvaere, it can be reported via the service form:
2. We aim to respond substantively to the request within 24 hours on business days, provided clear descriptions and photos/videos are attached.
3. Small, simple adjustments such as securing a hose, adjusting a door, tightening glands/tubes, etc., we ask the other party to perform themselves with the help of a clear explanation from Welvaere.
4. When we perform on-site service, we will only do so at no charge if it is within the warranty period and warranty conditions. We will clearly communicate if this is not the case.
5. Service can only be performed when the hot tub or sauna is easily accessible. This means that there must be a half-meter clearance all around and the product must not be built in. We must be able to access it easily.
6. We will visit you only for the reported service. If other items need to be performed, a new appointment should be made for this.
7. If the warranty has expired and it appears that the damage was caused by improper use, we charge a service fee. These are always the cost of the product plus €75 per hour. The cost will always be stated prior to service.
8. If the warranty has expired, we can also perform service for a fee. The cost will be charged and an appointment will be scheduled only after signing the quote or agreement.
1. Welvaere B.V. shall be free to carry out the assignment as it sees fit and shall observe the requirements of good workmanship in doing so.
2. Agreements are only to be defined as an obligation of effort can never contain an obligation to achieve a result.
3. Welvaere B.V. bases the performance of the work on the information and data provided by the other party. In doing so, Welvaere B.V. may assume that the information provided by the other party is correct.
4. The other party shall ensure that all data, which Welvaere B.V. indicates to be necessary or which the other party should reasonably understand to be necessary for the execution of the agreement, are provided to Welvaere B.V. in a timely manner.
5. If the data required for the execution of the agreement have not been provided in time to Welvaere B.V., Welvaere B.V. has the right to suspend the execution of the agreement and/or to charge the other party the costs resulting from the delay according to the usual rates.
6. Welvaere B.V. shall not be liable for damage, of whatever nature, due to the fact that it has based its services on incorrect and/or incomplete data and/or information provided by the other party.
1. If Welvaere B.V. shows or provides a model, sample and/or example, this is always by way of indication only: the qualities of the items to be delivered may deviate from the sample, model or example.
2. Data, in whatever form, and catalogs provided by Welvaere B.V. may be changed by Welvaere B.V. without prior notice and are therefore not binding.
3. Welvaere B.V. shall at all times have the right to determine, that goods which in its opinion qualify for such delivery shall only be delivered in certain minimum quantities.
4. Models, samples, examples and the like provided by Welvaere B.V. remain the property of Welvaere B.V. unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
5. Models, samples, examples and the like provided by the other party to Welvaere B.V. shall remain the property of the other party and shall be binding on the other party, unless expressly agreed otherwise in writing.
1. For hot tubs, payment is always 100% upon agreement. For saunas, the payment schedule is as follows: by default an advance of 50% is paid upon agreement within 7 days of the invoice date, unless otherwise agreed in writing. The remaining amount must be paid 2 days before delivery, explicitly without discount or settlement, by transferring the amount due to account number NL73 RABO 0346 9022 66 in the name of Welvaere B.V. in Nijkerk. After the expiry of the payment term of 7 (seven) days or a further term expressly agreed in writing after the invoice date, the other party will be in default; the other party will owe interest equal to the statutory interest on the amount due from the moment of default.
2. In the event of liquidation, bankruptcy or suspension of payments of the other party or when application of the debt restructuring scheme is pronounced in respect of the other party, the obligations of the other party shall be immediately due and payable.
3. Payments made by the other party will always serve to settle in the first place all interest and costs owed, in the second place payable invoices that have been outstanding the longest, even if the other party states that the payment relates to a later invoice.
4. Welvaere B.V. can investigate, within legal frameworks, whether the other party can meet its payment obligations, as well as all those facts and factors that are important for a responsible conclusion of the distance contract. If Welvaere B.V., on the basis of this investigation, has good grounds for not entering into the agreement, it is entitled to refuse an order or application or to attach special conditions to the execution, giving reasons.
5. Before Welvaere B.V. proceeds to or proceeds with the delivery, the other party is obliged at the express request of the Welvaere B.V. to pay an amount specified by Welvaere B.V. by way of deposit and/or advance payment or to provide sufficient security for the fulfillment of its payment obligation. Refusal by the other party to provide the requested security or make advance payment shall be regarded as an attributable failure on the part of the other party.
6. All complaints concerning the invoice of Welvaere B.V. must be expressly made known to Welvaere B.V. in writing, within 48 (forty-eight) hours after the date of dispatch thereof. After the expiry of the aforementioned period, the other party is deemed to agree with the order carried out and/or the invoice. If payment is made by the other party, Welvaere B.V. may and can assume that the other party agrees with the content of the invoice.
7. The other party shall owe the statutory interest from the moment of default until the day of payment in full on the entire amount due and payable, as well as the extrajudicial costs incurred, respectively due, by Welvaere B.V. The extrajudicial costs will be calculated in accordance with the collection rate as advised by the Netherlands Bar Association in collection cases. If Welvaere B.V. has incurred higher costs, which were reasonably necessary, these shall also be borne by the other party, as well as any judicial and execution costs incurred.
8. Welvaere B.V. has the right of retention on all data, documents and other goods of the other party in its possession, until the moment when the other party has paid all that it owes to Welvaere B.V.
1. Welvaere B.V. shall be entitled to deliver goods which deviate from what has been agreed, if it concerns changes in the goods to be delivered, the packaging or accompanying documentation which are required to comply with applicable statutory regulations or if it concerns minor changes to the goods which represent an improvement.
2. Should the circumstances assumed by the other party and Welvaere B.V. at the time the agreement was concluded change to such an extent that as a result compliance with the agreement or part thereof cannot reasonably be required of one of the parties, then consultations will take place regarding interim modification of the agreement.
3. If the changed circumstances arose through the fault of the other party, any resulting additional work will be charged to the other party.
4. Without being in default, Welvaere B.V. may refuse a request to change the agreement and/or assignment if this could have qualitative and/or quantitative consequences for, for example, the work to be performed and/or goods and/or services to be delivered in that context.
5. The buyer is obliged to immediately notify Welvaere B.V. in writing of any changes of address. Goods delivered to the address of the buyer last known to Welvaere B.V. are deemed to have been received.
1. Cancellation before delivery
If the other party cancels an agreement concluded with Welvaere B.V. in whole or in part
before delivery, the following cancellation charges shall apply:
Welvaere B.V. also retains the right to compensation for direct and/or indirect damage resulting
from the cancellation. Cancellation is only possible before delivery.
2. Cancellation of personalized items and customization
Assignments and agreements relating to personalized products and/or customization
cannot be cancelled once Welvaere B.V. has begun, or third parties commissioned by
Welvaere B.V. have begun, the execution of the agreement.
3.Cancellation just before delivery
If the other party cancels an agreement concluded with Welvaere B.V. within 2 (two)
weeks before the agreed delivery date, the following conditions shall apply:
4. Return shipments
Return shipments will be accepted only if prior written permission is
obtained from Welvaere B.V. and if the following conditions are met:
Return shipments are not allowed in the following cases:
5. Cost and risk of return shipment.
6. Right of Withdrawal for Consumers in Distance Purchases
Notwithstanding article 11.3 of these terms and conditions, the other party, being a private
consumer, in the case of a distance purchase (e.g. via webshop, e-mail or telephone) has the legal right
to withdraw from the purchase within 14 (fourteen) days of receipt without giving reasons.
Revocation is subject to the following provisions:
Welvaere B.V. provides a model withdrawal form on its website that allows consumers
to easily exercise this right.
The following products are outside the right of withdrawal and cannot be returned:
7. Refund upon withdrawal
If a consumer exercises the right of withdrawal and has already made a payment,
the following conditions apply:
1. All claims of Welvaere B.V. against the other party are immediately due and payable if:
2. After the conclusion of the agreement Welvaere B.V. becomes aware of circumstances that give good reason to fear that the other party will not fulfill its obligations;
3. Welvaere B.V. has requested the other party to provide security for performance and such security is not provided within the specified period or is insufficient;
4. Due to the delay on the part of the other party, the party in question can no longer be required to fulfill the agreement at the originally agreed conditions;
5. The other party fails to comply with the terms of payment and/or otherwise fails to fulfill its obligations.
6. In the mentioned cases Welvaere B.V. is authorized to suspend the further execution of the agreement or to terminate the agreement, all this without prejudice to the right to claim damages.
1. The goods delivered by Welvaere B.V. remain the property of Welvaere B.V. until the other party has fulfilled all the following obligations under all agreements concluded with Welvaere B.V:
2. The consideration(s) with respect to item(s) delivered or to be delivered itself;
Any claims for non-performance by the other party to this agreement(s).some text
1. The other party must examine the purchased goods (or have them examined) upon delivery - or as soon thereafter as possible. Hereby the counterparty must check whether the delivered goods meet the agreement, namely:
2. If visible defects or shortages are found, the Other Party must report these to Welvaere B.V. explicitly in writing, please by e-mail, within 48 (forty-eight) hours after delivery. The burden of proof of timely reporting lies entirely with the Other Party. In the case of items such as saunas, hot tubs, Jacuzzis, whirlpools and similar items, Welvaere B.V. is entitled to request inspection of visible defects and an approval at the time of delivery.
3. Non-visible defects must be explicitly reported in writing by the other party to Welvaere B.V. within 5 (five) working days after discovery or the moment at which the defect(s) could reasonably have been discovered, but in any case within 10 (ten) working days after delivery of the delivered goods.
4. If a defect is reported later than within the terms set forth in this article, the other party is no longer entitled to repair, replacement or compensation, unless a longer period results from the nature of the item or the other circumstances of the case.
5. Changes in technical insights in the industry and/or government regulations are at the other party's risk. Minor and/or technically unavoidable deviations in quality, dimensions, color, size, etc. do not constitute grounds for complaint. The same applies to color differences as a result of light, weather influences and/or as a reasonable side-effect of handwork.
6. Unless expressly stated otherwise in writing by Welvaere B.V.all custom work is handcrafted and all logos and/or applied images or signs are applied by handcraft.
7. When processing the goods at the request of the other party, in any case printing and/or handwork, an own risk of error must reasonably be taken into account. The other party expressly accepts the aforementioned risk by giving the order to Welvaere B.V.
8. If Welvaere B.V. acknowledges any complaints, Welvaere B.V. shall be entitled, to the exclusion of all rights of the other party to compensation, either to take back the goods and to refrain from (further) delivery against repayment of the purchase price, or to require the other party to retain the goods against an appropriate reduction of the purchase price, or to have redelivery take place as soon as possible and / or to offer repair free of charge. In case redelivery is to take place outside the Netherlands, the additional costs of redelivery shall be borne by the other party.
9. Even if the other party complains in time, its obligation to pay and take delivery of the goods to be delivered remains as agreed. Goods can only be returned to Welvaere B.V. with prior explicit written permission. Articles 11.4 and 11.5 of these terms and conditions also apply to returns.
10. Repairs to items in the property of Welvaere B.V. may only be carried out by Welvaere B.V. or third parties designated by it in writing. If repair is necessary, the item must be returned to the location of Welvaere B.V. The aforementioned replacement does not affect the length of the agreed rental period and the associated rental price. Rights and obligations under the agreement shall (also) apply to the replacement item with effect from the replacement by Welvaere B.V.
11. That stipulated in paragraph 6 also applies in the event that a purchased and/or delivered item needs to be repaired by Welvaere B.V. No guarantee and/or complaints are possible after a third party or the other party has carried out/attempted to carry out repairs. If repairs are necessary, the item must be returned to Welvaere B.V. and the other party shall receive a replacement copy against payment of the (estimated) repair costs, unless Welvaere B.V. expressly stipulates otherwise in writing.
12. In the absence of urgency of repair demonstrated by the other party, Welvaere B.V. is entitled to schedule a service time according to the schedule of the repairer engaged by Welvaere B.V.
1. Welvaere B.V. warrants that the goods it delivers meet the usual requirements and standards that can reasonably be set for them at the time of delivery and for which they are intended in the event of normal use in the Netherlands. This guarantee applies to goods intended for use within the Netherlands. In the event of use outside the Netherlands, the other party must itself verify whether they are suitable for use there and whether they meet the conditions imposed on them. Welvaere B.V. may in that case set other warranty and other conditions with respect to the goods to be delivered or work to be performed.
2. The warranty period for private use is two years, while for professional use it is six months. This warranty applies to private and personal use only. For professional use such as in wellness centers, bed and breakfasts, hotels, campgrounds and other commercial locations, the warranty is six months. The specific warranty conditions for different products such as hot tubs, saunas and other wellness products are listed in our
2. Duration and Limitations of the Warranty.
1. The guarantee referred to in paragraph 1 applies for a period of one year after delivery, unless the nature of the delivered product dictates otherwise or the parties have agreed otherwise. For private use, however, a more extensive guarantee period of two years applies. If the guarantee provided by Welvaere B.V. concerns a good produced by a third party, the guarantee is limited to the guarantee provided by the producer of the good, unless stated otherwise.
2. After expiration of the warranty period, all costs for repair or replacement, including administration, shipping and call-out charges, will be charged to the other party.
3. Exclusions from Warranty.
1. Welvaere B.V. is never responsible for the ultimate suitability of the goods for each individual application by the other party, nor for any advice regarding the use or application of the goods.
2. Any form of warranty shall lapse if a defect has occurred as a result of or arising from injudicious or improper use, improper installation, use after the expiration date, improper storage or maintenance by the other party and/or by third parties. This also includes actions such as cleaning with aggressive agents, placing the products on an uneven surface, and modifications to the product without the written permission of Welvaere B.V.
3. Specific examples of excluded situations include:
4. Specific Conditions for Products.
1. In the Warranty Conditions include specific provisions for different product categories such as hot tubs, saunas and other wellness products. These terms contain details on which parts are covered by the warranty and under what circumstances the warranty is voided.
2. Key rules of use to maintain the warranty include:
5. Procedures for Warranty Claims.
1. If a defect occurs during the warranty period that is covered by the warranty, the other party must report it to Welvaere B.V. within a reasonable period of no more than 60 days after discovery. The other party must provide a warranty certificate or a reliable statement showing where and when the product was purchased.
2. If during a warranty claim it appears that the defect was caused by any of the above factors excluded from the warranty, Welvaere B.V. has the right to charge all costs for repair or replacement.
3. For purchases outside the Netherlands, Belgium, France and Germany, modified warranty conditions apply, with a warranty period of six months and some service operations to be performed by the customer himself.
1. The prices quoted by Welvaere B.V. are inclusive of the costs of packaging, import duties, excise duties and taxes, but exclusive of VAT, unless otherwise expressly stated in the written quotation.
2. If the parties have agreed in advance on a fixed price for the provision of certain services and/or with respect to certain matters, and the provision of those services forces additional work/performance that cannot reasonably be deemed to fall under that fixed price, Welvaere B.V. will inform the other party in advance of the financial consequences thereof.
1. If Welvaere B.V. agrees a certain price with the other party, Welvaere B.V. is nevertheless entitled to increase the price in connection with cost-price-increasing elements occurring from the moment the agreement is concluded. The other party is obliged to pay the price thus increased in place of the price originally agreed upon. The aforementioned unless an exception from this article and/or the law applies.
2. In case the other party is a consumer, Welvaere B.V. is entitled to increase the price for a period of 3 (three) months after the conclusion of the agreement. The other party is in this case entitled to dissolve the agreement within 14 (fourteen) days after notification of the increase by Welvaere B.V. The aforementioned must be expressly in writing. After 3 (three) months after the conclusion of the agreement Welvaere B.V. is entitled to a reasonable increase of the agreed price if there is reason to do so.
3. Welvaere B.V. is at all times entitled to pass on statutory price increases, such as in any case VAT, also after the conclusion of the agreement.
1. Welvaere B.V. is liable only insofar as it appears from this article. The included limitations of liability of Welvaere B.V. do not apply if the damage is due to intent or gross negligence of Welvaere B.V.
2. Welvaere B.V. is never liable towards the other party, for costs, damages and interest which may arise for Welvaere B.V. or for third parties as a direct or indirect consequence of acts or omissions of persons employed by Welvaere B.V. or by third parties engaged by Welvaere B.V. or of goods whether or not under the supervision of Welvaere B.V. or of goods delivered by Welvaere B.V.
3. The other party is obliged to indemnify and compensate Welvaere B.V. for all damage, costs and interest for which Welvaere B.V. may be held liable by third parties in respect of the provisions of the previous paragraph. The other party also expressly indemnifies Welvaere B.V. against all third-party claims relating to industrial and intellectual property rights on data provided by the other party to Welvaere B.V., which are used in the execution of the agreement.
4. Welvaere B.V. is never liable for consequential damage, including in any case trading loss, damage due to business stagnation and/or loss of profit of the other party, related to (untimely) deliveries by Welvaere B.V.
5. The liability of Welvaere B.V. is at all times limited to the amount that will be paid out under the business liability insurance of Welvaere B.V. in the case in question. If the insurer of Welvaere B.V. does not pay out, the liability of Welvaere B.V. is limited to the maximum amount invoiced for the service from which the damage resulted, at least for that part of the order to which the liability relates.
6. Welvaere B.V. is not liable in the event of force majeure.
7. Welvaere B.V. is never liable for damage and/or consequences of the use, placement and/or having of an item of Welvaere B.V. on festival and party grounds or at the time of rental for the purpose of a festival, party or the like. Meaning that Welvaere B.V. is not only indemnified for all damages to third parties, this indemnification also applies to grounds and other matters.
8. If the other party provides information carriers, electronic files or software etc. to Welvaere B.V., the other party guarantees that these materials are free of viruses and defects. Any damage caused by the use of these materials will be compensated by the other party.
1. In addition to what is understood in the law and jurisprudence in this respect, force majeure is understood to mean circumstances, foreseen or unforeseen, which prevent performance of the obligation and which cannot be attributed to Welvaere B.V. These will include (if and to the extent that these circumstances make performance impossible or unreasonably difficult): strikes in companies other than those of Welvaere B.V, wildcat strikes or political strikes in the company of Welvaere B.V.; a general shortage of necessary raw materials and other items or services required for the realization of the agreed performance; unforeseeable stagnation at suppliers or other third parties on which Welvaere B.V. depends; general transport problems; measures of any government agency; illness; fire; earthquakes; theft; operational or energy failures; force majeure at a third party engaged and technical failures.
2. Welvaere B.V. shall also be entitled to invoke force majeure if the circumstance preventing (further) performance occurs after Welvaere B.V. should have fulfilled its obligation.
3. During the period of force majeure, Welvaere B.V. has the right to suspend the delivery and other obligations of Welvaere B.V. until the moment that the circumstance causing force majeure no longer occurs, or to dissolve the agreement, without any obligation to pay damages in that case.
4. If Welvaere B.V. has already partially fulfilled its obligations when the force majeure occurs, or is only able to partially fulfill its obligations, it is entitled to separately invoice the part already delivered or the deliverable part, as the case may be, and the other party is obliged to pay this invoice as if it were a separate agreement. However, this does not apply if the part already delivered or the deliverable part has no independent value.
5. Force majeure, as referred to above, of suppliers of Welvaere B.V., shall count as force majeure of Welvaere B.V.
1. Both Welvaere B.V. and the other party guarantee that all information obtained from the other party will be kept confidential and will remain secret.
2. The other party shall not disclose the contents of reports, advice, e-mail messages and/or other expressions of Welvaere B.V., written or otherwise, which have not been drawn up or made with the intention of informing third parties of the information contained therein, unless Welvaere B.V. has given its express written consent.
3. The parties shall impose the obligations under this article on third parties engaged by them. The obligations under this article shall also remain in force after termination of the agreement.
1. All rights of intellectual and industrial property, including in any case, but not exclusively, copyright, patent, trademark and rights related to trade names, with respect to the articles and/or designs provided, sold and/or delivered by Welvaere B.V. are vested in Welvaere B.V. or its licensors. Welvaere B.V. will at all times act as the owner of all rights of industrial and/or intellectual property thereof, even if these rights have arisen in the context of the agreement. Insofar as not expressly and unambiguously permitted by Welvaere B.V. or by law, nothing from the articles and designs provided, sold and/or delivered by Welvaere B.V. may be published or reproduced in any way.
2. The other party is not allowed to remove and/or change any indication concerning copyright, brands, trade name and/or other rights of intellectual property from material of Welvaere B.V.
3. Imitation of articles and designs provided, sold and/or delivered by Welvaere B.V. is prohibited, as is making the items sold available to third parties who can reasonably be suspected of imitating (or having imitated) the article and/or design concerned.
4. In case of violation of the prohibitions in the above-mentioned paragraphs of this Article, the other party shall forfeit a non-mutable fine in the amount of 15% of the purchase price with a minimum of € 500.00 per case or per article produced. The other party also undertakes to impose the prohibition contained in this article, together with the penalty clause, on its legal successors in the form of a chain litigation, in such a way that those legal successors and their legal successors are also bound in this respect vis-à-vis Welvaere B.V.
5. Failure to comply with the obligation laid down in the previous paragraph shall result in the other party, or the other party's legal successor, forfeiting to Welvaere B.V. an immediately payable penalty of €5,000.00 per case, which is not subject to mitigation.
1. The court in Arnhem has exclusive jurisdiction to take cognizance of all disputes that may arise between Welvaere B.V. and the other party, in which a solution cannot be reached in mutual consultation. Welvaere However, B.V. remains authorized to summon the other party before the competent court of the place of residence of the other party.
2. Any agreement between Welvaere B.V. and the other party, as well as any disputes arising therefrom, shall be governed exclusively by Dutch law, even if all or part of an obligation is performed abroad or if the party involved in the legal relationship is domiciled there. The applicability of the Vienna Sales Convention is excluded.
1. Welvaere B.V. is authorized to make amendments to these terms and conditions at any time. Such amendments shall take effect at the time announced.
2. Welvaere B.V. will send the amended terms and conditions to the other party in good time. If no date of entry into force has been notified, amendments will come into force vis-à-vis the other party as soon as he has been informed of the amendment. However, in the event that the other party is a consumer, he/she will be entitled to dissolve the agreement in the event of a drastic change pursuant to article 6:237 c of the Dutch Civil Code.
3. The Dutch text of these terms and conditions is binding and always decisive for its interpretation.
4. All legal claims against Welvaere B.V., including claims for damages, are time-barred and/or expired after a period of 1 year after the relevant claim and/or entitlement arose.
5. These terms and conditions were updated on August 13, 2024. All bids and deals issued on or after August 13, 2024 are subject to these updated terms and conditions.