
How long do you stay in the sauna?

You're sitting in a sauna, enjoying the warmth, and suddenly the question pops into your head, "How long are you allowed in the sauna?" The answer is not as simple as setting a stopwatch and waiting for the timer to go off. But we are happy to help you on your way to the perfect sauna session!

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The magic of 15 minutes

An average sauna session lasts about 15 minutes. This may seem short, but in a room where the temperature can reach 90 degrees Fahrenheit, 15 minutes can quickly feel like an eternity. That's why it's good to find out how long in sauna works best for you. 

Listen to your body 🧘

Every body is different and what works for one person may be too much for another. Some sauna lovers like intense heat and can easily spend 15 minutes or more. Others prefer a milder experience. So the answer to how long is best to stay in the sauna often lies in listening to your own body. If you feel comfortable and relaxed, then you are fine. Are your thoughts starting to wander to the clock? Then it may be time to get out.

Getting used to the heat: start at 60 degrees

If you are just beginning sauna sessions, it may be smart to start at a mild temperature. A sauna temperature of 60 degrees is a good starting point. Here you can enjoy the heat without it being too overwhelming. Consider it the entry level of the sauna world. Take time to get used to the feeling of the heat around you. Feel your muscles relax and your thoughts calm down. You'll find that as you spend more time in the sauna, your body will adjust and become more comfortable with higher temperatures.

Step by step to the 100 degrees

After a few sessions at 60 degrees, consider gradually increasing the temperature. It's like exercising your muscles; you build up slowly to give your body a chance to adjust. Try increasing the temperature by 5 or 10 degrees with each visit. 

You'll find that over time your body craves that more intense heat. Before you know it, you'll be enjoying an invigorating 100-degree sauna session and wondering how you ever managed without it. Remember to listen carefully to your body and respect your own limits. In this way, every sauna session becomes a moment of pure indulgence and personal growth.

Don't forget to cool down

Cooling down is just as important as warming up. A good sauna cycle consists of warming up, cooling down, and then relaxing. After a 15-minute session, it is time to cool down, such as by taking a cold shower or cooling off outside for a while. This stimulates your blood circulation and completes your sauna visit. It's like a dance between fire and ice, with your body setting the rhythm.

Choose the sauna that suits you completely

At Welvaere , we understand that the perfect sauna experience is different for everyone. Our saunas are designed with attention to personal needs, high quality and unique design. And because we make everything in house, we can offer an experience that's perfect for you. From a cozy sauna for the quiet enjoyer to a more spacious setup for cozy group sessions, we have it all.

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Optimal enjoyment in your own garden

So, how long in the sauna is best for me? That's ultimately up to you, but these tips will get you started. Are you curious about how you can take your moments of relaxation to the next level? Then come along and let us advise you in our Experience Center.

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