
Hot tub water replacement

In the hot tub, of course, you want fresh, pure and clean water to bathe in. But, the moment you use the hot tub, the water also gets dirty. So the hot tub water needs to be replaced with some regularity. We would like to tell you how often you should change the water, the best way to do that and whether you can still reuse the water.

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Why replace hot tub water?

The water in the hot tub gets dirty. Dirt from outside gets into it, we bring some dirt into the water ourselves, and bacteria and algae get into the water. Stepping into a hot tub with dirty water can be harmful to your health. Therefore, it is wise to empty the hot tub on time, clean it and replace the water.

Of course, there are a number of ways to ensure that you can use the same hot tub water for a longer period of time. You can choose to install a filter pump combined with a UV filter at the hot tub. You can also choose to add different chemicals to the water.

How do I get the dirty water out of the hot tub?

Our Ducktubs are standard equipped with a Gardena coupling including ball valve. The advantage of this is that you can easily empty the hot tub. The Gardena coupling makes it possible to bring the water to a well with a garden hose. This way the ground around your hot tub is not overloaded with water.

How often should I change the hot tub water?

So how often you need to replace the hot tub water depends tremendously on the quality of the water. Several factors affect the quality of the water. Consider usage, the amount of iron in the water, whether it is ground or tap water, the location of the hot tub and weather conditions.

Still, to give a small indication of how long you can do with the same water, we calculate with the following averages:

  • No water maintenance: 4 to 5 days
  • Use Aquaclean: 7 days
  • Use of hanging filter incl. Aquaclean: 3 to 4 weeks
  • Use filter system incl. Aquaclean: up to 3 months

What can you do to last longer with your water?

You can add a filter and chemicals, with that you extend the quality of the water, it stays fresh, pure, clean and so you can do with it for a longer time. Our customers really recommend this filter as well. This cannot be added at a later time!

To ensure that you yourself bring as little dirt as possible into the water, we recommend always taking a shower before entering the hot tub. This way you rinse body lotion and any other dirt off yourself. Always walk to the hot tub wearing slippers or take a foot bath. A cover also definitely helps keep coarse debris such as tree leaves out of the hot tub.

Reusing water

If you choose not to add chlorine to the water, you can very easily reuse the water from the hot tub. There are several chemicals like our AquaClean that are environmentally friendly and therefore not harmful to nature. By connecting a garden hose to the Gardena drain of our Ducktubs you can easily water the plants in the garden. This way you don't throw the water away unnecessarily.

How do I fill the hot tub with water?

This is very easy to do with a garden hose. You can lay this through the top into the hot tub. If you have a cover, it is convenient to tie the garden hose between the rim and the cover. A normal garden hose provides about 15 liters per minute at an average water pressure.

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