There is a tree in our logo for a reason. We enjoy the outdoors and love nature immensely at times. We take our responsibility to make a positive contribution to nature, in addition to benefiting from it. Therefore, for several years we have been planting trees when we sell a Ducktub or Tønsauna in cooperation with Trees for All.
In recent years, we have already planted more than 7000 trees in cooperation with Trees for All, a charity recognized by the CBF and ANBI. This charity plants for us in fact two trees per complete sold hot tub or sauna. We donate an amount which makes it possible to plant these trees. With the amount we donate, two trees are planted, one in the Netherlands and one abroad.
The trees planted for us are in the Netherlands, Bolivia, Uganda and Ghana, among others. The trees abroad are planted for e.g. restoration of landscapes, food production, greening of provinces. Trees for All does all this because, together with us and with you, they want to make a broad impact. Contributing to a healthier climate, more biodiversity and better living conditions for everyone.
In March 2022, a small team from Welvaere left for the province of Drenthe to plant the first Welvaere forest. All this to green the province of Drenthe in cooperation with Staatsbosbeheer. As many as 14 species of trees were planted in the 'Welvaere forest to increase biodiversity and create a stable forest. The great variety ensures that many animal species feel at home here. In addition, the purpose of these forests is to capture CO2. In total, more than 63,000 trees went into the ground. After planting, it takes decades for the forest to mature. And only much later can you speak of a forest, where trees, plants, animals, fungi and microorganisms live together optimally.
We use a lot of wood to make our products, and we like to do something in return. When you sell a Ducktub hot tub or Tønsauna, we have therefore for many years donated two trees for every product sold.