
What does a hot tub weigh?

Hot tubs. Nowadays you can find them in many different types, sizes, type of finish, with luxury options or just very basic. Not only here is a lot of difference. There is also a big difference in the use of materials. And it is this use of materials that makes the hottubs heavy. A frequently asked question is whether you can easily move the hot tub.

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Only you can't move the hot tub

Even if you eat spinach every day or are a star at weightlifting, a hot tub is not easily moved by yourself. Therefore, when we come to deliver our Ducktub hot tubs, we always ask for some extra manpower, because our own delivery guys can't get it in place by themselves either.

Together you, your neighbor, brother or daughter then lift the hot tub into place. The spot you have chosen for ultimate relaxation moments. How many extra hands you'll need during delivery depends entirely on the hot tub you've chosen.

Materials that determine the weight of the hot tub

What the weight of the hot tub very much depends on is the materials used. For example, is the tub placed on a sturdy bottom structure or is a simple metal frame chosen? Is the hot tub finished with a heavier type of wood such as oak or a lighter one such as thermowood? Last but not least is the heater attached to the hot tub, in it or can you easily disconnect it as well? All of these points affect the weight of the hot tub. Of course, the material of the tub also counts.

The Ducktub hot tubs from Welvaere

For our Ducktub hot tubs we obviously choose the highest quality parts. As a result, some parts are heavier than others. For example, the tubs of our Ducktub hot tubs consist of 7 layers of fiberglass-reinforced plastic while those of others have fewer layers or are made of a completely different material. You won't find a hot tub with the heater mounted inside. All our heaters are easily detachable making the hot tub easier to move.

What does a hot tub weigh?

When we look at the weight of our Ducktub hot tubs, this is always a hot tub that does not include the weight of the heater AND of course does not include water.

Ducktub Bjorn: 110 kg
Ducktub Bjornstor: 145 kg
Ducktub Hjorn: 180 kg
Ducktub External: 165 kg
Ducktub Ovalti: 140 kg
Ducktub Oval: 210 kg

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Marketing and Sales Manager

Has worked at Welvaere for 7 years and knows everything about our products. Now manager of sales and marketing with a great love for writing. Oh yes, and also for pizza from our own pizza oven ☺️. 

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