
The hot tub for the whole family

A wood-fired hot tub gives your own backyard a real upgrade and provides fun for the whole family. Enjoying delicious hot water together, having a serious conversation or having a crazy water fight. Our Ducktubs provide extra fun in your own backyard.

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Why a Ducktub for the family?

  • Reconnect with your family, nature and yourself in this busy world;
  • Outdoor fun for kids in every season;
  • Less screen time and more quality time together;
  • Relieve up to 90% of your muscles with the warm water.

Fun for all

Can you picture it? During a lovely warm summer day, the kids are splashing around in the fresh water for hours. While you retire to read a book, tidy up a bit or cook dinner, the kids have the time of their lives in the garden. In fact, the hot tub is ideal to use as a "pool" for the kids, and for yourself of course to cool off every now and then. And in the evening when the kids are in bed you and your partner and just the two of you get in or together with friends for an unforgettable evening.

Even in winter, you will spend pleasant moments with the whole family in the hot tub. When it is freezing cold outside, you talk through the week together in the wonderfully warm water.

‍Thefamily hot tub

Ducktub, the great love of every family! Yes, that's a generous statement - but trust us, the Ducktub deserves to be talked about big.

Being able to relax in a warm bath after a long day, while your lungs fill with fresh outdoor air and that throbbing headache slowly disappears - that's no small feat.

Like only having to step out the back door to have the greatest fun with your kids. Snow, rain, sun, none of it matters anymore with a Ducktub in the garden. Suddenly every day turns out to be a good day to get splashed wet. All year round. Yes, for years - because you won't get rid of a handmade Ducktub that quickly.‍

Ducktub Oval & Bjornstor perfect for the family‍

In addition to the Ducktub Bjornstor, the Ducktub Oval is also truly a family hot tub as far as we are concerned! Because of the space it offers and the extra raised seat, this hot tub can really be called a family hot tub. Despite its size, the hot tub can accommodate a small party as well as larger groups.

And, not entirely unimportant. Plenty of room to play in for the youngest children. They take a dip from the elevation to splash into the water. The older kids invite their best friends over for a fun evening of friends or float on an air mattress. And you can relax with your legs stretched out. Plenty of room in the Ducktub Oval!

Designed with great features

Quality time, space and comfort are three of the most important points when choosing a Ducktub. And just that is something all of our hot tubs offer you. That together ensures not only a unique hot tub experience, but also that you can relax in the warm water and your kids will have the time of their lives alone or with friends.

With a variety of seats, shapes and sizes, there is always a model that fits your needs perfectly. To make the comfort of our hot tubs even better, you can choose to have a bubble or jet system built into the tub. We build the Ducktubs ourselves in our workshop in Nijkerk. This allows you to completely upgrade your hot tub to an extremely luxurious model.

Safety first

When you purchase a hot tub for the family, it is important that it is safe in and around the hot tub. After all, you shouldn't think about something bad happening. For this you can expand the Ducktubs with luxury accessories. Think for example of a ladder to climb in and out of the hot tub and a protection around the heating tube.

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Ducktub Bjornstor
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Written by
Marketing and Sales Manager

Has worked at Welvaere for 7 years and knows everything about our products. Now manager of sales and marketing with a great love for writing. Oh yes, and also for pizza from our own pizza oven ☺️. 

The perfect hot tub for the family: the Ducktub Bjornstor

During the day the kids can splash in their private pool and at night the Ducktub Bjornstor is ready for a romantic, relaxing hot tub session. Its 206-centimeter diameter allows for hot tub fun with 6 to 8 people. So perfect for the whole family!

Ducktub Bjornstor view

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